Monday, October 26, 2015

Glee Forever!

Hi everyone!

I'm sorry I didn't post last monday, I had fall break and I was just resting all week.

But, I'm back! And I have been looking forward to writing about this subject.
Glee Forever! is a free app. What do you do? You play songs, by tapping buttons at the right time. i can't really explain it any better. By playing, you earn several things:

  • Stars. You know, in lots of games you can earn one to three stars in a level. It's the same here, with every song. You use stars to unlock new chapters, with new songs.
  • Story tokens and Glee coins, so that you can buy new "performers", with different themes, so that you can earn more points.
  • Boost cards, to level your performers, so that you can earn more points with them.
  • And sometimes these things, I don't know what to call them, that you need to play monthly event songs. What they are depends on the event. Currently, they're pumpkins.
Does it sound complicated yet? Yeah? I knew it. But when you start playing it, it makes a lot more sense, trust me.

For me, it's mostly about the satisfaction I feel when I get new performers, but I can't really explain why. A disadvantage is the frustration when you're so close to getting that one achievement, but you don't, sometimes that makes me wanna slam my phone down on any surface close to me. Which is why I always play it sitting on the couch, or on my bed. 

If you play it, friend request me on Facebook. We can give each other stuff! Yay! 
Click here for the teaser. It says "coming soon", but it's been out for, like, over a month.

Have fun playing Glee Forever!

Lots of love,


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